Our formal service offering is broken into 3 tracks based on the stage of your product or business:

Formation Track
Providing support and guidance in forming your product vision and product development plan.

Production Track
Executing on development and producing your software product.

Upkeep Track
On going maintenance and enhancement development to address customer requests, support issues, and minor product improvements.



The formation track includes the following services:

Product/Idea Review - 8 hours - $1,000
A limited engagement to review product concept for feasibility, effort level, business opportunity, and competition.
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Product Prototype - 20 hours - $2,500
A limited engagement to produce preliminary product wireframes/mockups and integrate into a clickable demo.
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Product Discovery - 40 - 80 hours - $5,000 - $10,000
An engagement to thoroughly review and document product concept and perform initial software system design.
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Product Formation Coaching - 8 hour block - $1,000
A limited or ongoing engagement for informal assistance with the formation process from our experienced product development team. Up to 2 hours per week.
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Technical Feasibility Study - Hourly Rates
An engagement to perform an exploratory R&D project to determine the technical feasibility of an idea. The resulting work will not be designed for commercial use but may later be polished and incorporated into a future work.
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The production track includes the following services:

MVP - Generally ~$30,000
A functional product demonstrating the minimally differentiating functionality needed to attract early adopters, investor attention, or media buzz. Also used to test market response to identify areas for future development or removal.

Commercial Product - Generally >$100,000
A functional product with complete feature set that is capable of generating revenue.

Scalable Business - Generally >$200,000
A commercial product that fully supports all related aspects of the business from sales and marketing, customer support, onboarding and retention, and operations with reporting for data driven business decision making.

The prices list above are broad strokes estimates aimed to give you a starting point for considering objectstudio as your development partner. Actual costs can vary greatly depending on the requirements of your project and will be established through an initial consult and refined through a formal formation track service.

Payments are made based on development milestones - ensuring limited commitment until proven results.



The upkeep track includes the following services:

On Demand - Hourly Rates
Development and support is performed on an “on demand” basis for smaller ongoing initiatives including existing product maintenance, exploratory research and development, and small project enhancements.

Prepaid Hourly Blocks - Reduced Hourly Rate
Development and support is performed on an “on demand” basis but billed hourly against a prepaid budget of hours.



As referenced above, hourly rates are as follows:

On Demand -- $160.00/hour
80 Hour Block $12,160 $152/hour ($640 or 5% savings)
160 Hour Block $23,040 $144/hour ($2560 or 10% savings)
240 Hour Block $32,640 $136/hour ($5760 or 15% savings)
320 Hour Block $40,960 $128/hour ($10240 or 20% savings)

Hourly blocks of under 80 hours can be purchased - but no discount is given.